
Happy Halloween Day-o! On a whim, the other night, my sisters and our husband's decided this is how we should spend our night.  Assign roles, memorize choreography and film ourselves teen acting the Day-o scene from Beetlejuice.

Disneyland Annual Passholders 2017

We have been able to visit the Disneyland Resort four time this year thanks to our Disney Annual Passes!  Our sweet Wyatt finds himself more and more at home with each visit!  It's been a while since we've updated our blog, but we have lots to share abour the incredible trips we've taken, along with our magical moments at Walt Disney World!  We live life to its fullest and try to soak up every moment we have together.  How blessed we are and what a wonderful world!

Cajuns, Christmas, and A Happy New Year!!!

Alysse and I are not much bloggers, so we do not post often. Well, a lot has happened in the last couple of months. Over the Thanksgiving holidays, we traveled to my home town of New Orleans to visit my family and celebrate our wedding again. It was great seeing everyone and eating all the great food I grew up with. Amidst all the celebration and fun, I got to surprise Alysse with a trip to the New Orleans Museum of Art where they were holding a special Walt Disney Animation exhibit in honor of the history and imagination of Walt Disney and his legacy of 'movies, magic, and more.' It was cool seeing all the unseen artwork and how the films were drawn and animated. The exhibit showcased Walt's films starting with Snow White and Cinderella to Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid and beyond. I also took my wife to her first NFL game in the Louisiana Superdome where the Saints slaughtered the New England Patriots. It was beyond amazing. Alysse enjoyed every minute of it and

New Wedding Pictures

We've decided to showcase some highlights from our wedding! Enjoy!


Guess what, everybody! We FINALLY got our wedding pictures back...two months later, but worth the wait. They're awesome! There are more to come; do not worry!